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Waterfall tour May 11


The Jasper Advertising and Promotion Commission will hold its Spring Waterfall Chasing Back Road Tour on Saturday, May 11. Meet up for the tour at 8:30 a.m. at Bradley Park. The tour will depart at 9 a.m. and return at the park at 3 p.m.
The full day of exploration and waterfall chasing cost $50 per vehicle. Lunch will be provided. Tickets need to be purchased prior to the day of the event. To purchase tickets, visit:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/spring-waterfall-chasing-backroad-tour-tickets-876166285947?aff=876166285947?aff=oddtdtcreator .

This in-person event is perfect for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts looking to discover the beauty of spring. Don't miss out on this opportunity to chase waterfalls and create unforgettable memories. Lace up your hiking boots and get ready for an exciting journey through nature's wonders!
Each ticket is per vehicle not per person. Lunch will be provided. Please contact host for any questions or concerns:
Lisa Duet - Director of Jasper Advertising and Promotions, 337-401-9155, lisaduetjapc2023@yahoo.com .