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Better management for Arkansas’ forests


To many, forestry is simply viewed as the trees planted in someone’s backyard, shade during an outdoor activity, or nature’s greatest indicator of the changing of the seasons. But for Arkansans, forestry is a way of life. As the heart of America’s woodbasket, Arkansas is covered by 19 million acres of forestland that provides not only scenic beauty, clean air and water, wildlife habitats, and opportunities for outdoor recreation, but is also a major economic driver. Tens of thousands of hard-working Arkansans depend on a thriving forestry industry, and in turn good forestry management, to provide for their families.
Over the course of the past two weeks, the nation has been heartbroken to see the devastation in the wake of the California wildfires. My thoughts have been with those who have lost homes and even loved ones due to the horrific fires across southern California. This catastrophic natural disaster can only bring us to reflect on our own state’s response to forest management practices. Healthy forests have direct impacts not only on wildfire prevention, but air quality, carbon emission reduction, water quality, and even wildlife management. In many ways Arkansas leads the nation for forest management of our federal lands – and while the Natural State could always improve our forest management practices, it is exciting that our great state leads the charge on efforts to become better stewards of our land.
None of us are immune to the dangers of wildfires – most notably due to the imbalance of forest growth and removal ratios. With all the unmanaged forests on our federal lands, dense, overgrown forest stands are the perfect kindling needed to stoke dangerous fires that can threaten communities near wildland urban interfaces.
Our biggest issue across the country is that, while we love our trees and forests, we are loving them to death. For decades many federal forests have been mismanaged by good intentions, but as we have seen, these good intentions can lead to a fiery inferno where neither forests, wildlife, or humans benefit. It might seem to be a naturally good idea for humans to take a hands-off approach and let nature manage our forests, but nature can be violent… especially when that good idea gets paired with what seems natural to exclude all fire from the landscape since after all, fire causes wildfires. Broadly speaking, forest scientists have demonstrated that thinned forests where the volume of trees per acre is maintained through thinning and controlled burning are more resilient and healthier than overstocked forests that are stressed by competition for light, water, and nutrients. Resiliency means that trees can better withstand insect and disease attacks as well as fire, and especially when the fire is low intensity and on a more regular basis.
From the giant Sequoias, Redwoods, and firs on the Pacific coast, to the aspen, larch, and pines of the intermountain region, to the cottonwoods, oaks, and pines stretching across the mid-west and the south on up to the beautiful maple trees in the northeast, our nation’s forests are undoubtedly valued and beautiful. Our natural response may be to leave the trees to themselves to better protect them. But when we realize that the best way to maintain a healthy environment for these beloved trees comes from us being actively involved as good stewards working with nature, we will see an abundance of healthy and resilient forests providing clean air, clean water, better wildlife habitat, and safer communities.
As a licensed forester serving in Congress, spreading the good news about forests to colleagues on both sides of the aisle to develop sound forest management practices across the country is a passion. Many of these practices were learned firsthand in the great state of Arkansas. This is one reason it is exciting to reintroduce the bipartisan Fix Our Forests Act this week, as Congress looks for ways to prevent further loss and devastation due to wildfires. As we bring this legislation to the House Floor, my prayers are most certainly with the folks of southern California as they face tremendous loss and damage to the beloved land they call home. My hope is that policy in the Fix Our Forests Act will prevent other Americans from having to endure such a tragedy in the future.