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Retired educators get Boone County Library update


The Boone/Newton County Retired Teachers and Support Staff Association met Tuesday, Oct. 1, at Western Sizzlin' in Harrison, at 11:30 a.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lisa Bailey who welcomed the members and guests. Lynn Holmes led the invocation, and Leah Ann West led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Program presenter, Tina Farmer, from the Boone County Library was introduced. She shared booklets with detailed instructions for conducting genealogical research. Those who have a library card can access Heritage Quest from their homes via the library website. The ancestry.com website can be accessed for free using computers in the library. The library has many print resources to assist patrons in their research, and Ms. Farmer is available to assist patrons Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. She can guide researchers in using resources including probate, tax, and census records, as well as finding gravesites. She invited members to attend a presentation by Kenneth Barnes on Nov. 9 at 10 a.m. His topic will be the railroad strike.
In the business meeting, the mintues of the last meeting were approved as presented. Treasurer Linda Mathis reported a current balance of $1,187.78 with 26 paid members. Community Services/Public Relations Chair, Amy Young, distributed 2024 and 2025 calendar for members to use in keeping track of volunteer hours. Beverly Bear and Charles and Janes Adair reported that they had delivered dictionaries to schools in Newton County and will deliver dictionaries to Boone County schools soon. The president reminded members that the Friends of the Boone County Library are still seeking tutors in conjuction with NorthARK and that the library book sale will be Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4 and 5 at Signature Tower.
The BNCRTSS will be hosting the Area 7 spring meeting this year at First Christian Church. Twenty to twenty-five out-of-town attendees are expected for this event. Members were invited to meet with James Morris and Diana Coleman at 11 a.m. on Oct. 30 at Willow Bistro to plan the Area 7 meeting.

The Nov. 5 meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall of First Christian Church. Turkey, potatoes, and gravy will be provided, and members were asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Melody Massey will present a program about the Veterans' Pantry on the square. Members will bring non-perishable food or money to donate for Thanksgiving baskets that will be distributed by the Veterans' Pantry. Charles and Jane Adair will arrange catering for the November meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Area ARTRS retirees, certified and non-certified, may send $15 dues to Linda Mathis, treasurer, 1382 Old Bellefonte Road, Harrison, AR 72601, or pay at any monthly luncheon. To join the Arkansas Retired Teachers Association, visit https://www.artanow.com.