t was a good week for the Reagan family.
Not so much for the Biden clan.
On Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where my father is buried, there was a fine ceremony to mark the 20th year of his passing and recall the conservative principles that powered his domestic and foreign successes.
And on Thursday, when the library marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day, it also celebrated the famous speech my father gave 40 years ago when he traveled to Normandy to honor the brave Americans who hit the beaches on June 6, 1944.
Meanwhile, it was a bad week for the Biden family – in court and in the legacy media.
Hunter was on trial in the Biden-friendly state of Delaware for lying on his gun application, which for him is like getting a federal parking ticket.
Don’t worry, Democrats. The multi-troubled first son – or any other member of the Biden Crime Family – is not likely to be found guilty of foreign influence peddling, tax evasion or anything serious.
He’ll never be charged by the Justice Department with 93 felonies or have to post a $50 million cash bond to stay out of a jail cell.
As for the Big Guy in the White House, he continued to be battered by the mainstream media, which may have turned on him.
After almost four years of hearing his presidential gaffes, garbled sentences and favorite lies about his past triumphs, some of his former friends and defenders in journalism have noticed what has been obvious to the rest of America for years.
Joe Biden is too old and too confused to function as a president.
The Wall Street Journal did a major behind-the-scenes piece about the sharp decline of Biden’s mental and physical state.
A chorus of Democrats and Biden partisans in the media tried to say the Journal’s article was a Republican hit piece. Joe Scarborough practically had an on-air stroke.
But the Journal’s reporting and cover story about Biden in Time exposed the cruel truth.
Copyright 2024 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.